How Are the Old Mobile Phones Being Recycled to Be Produced in New Versions?

Everything Mobile Limited
4 min readDec 31, 2023


recycling of mobile phones

Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, but their rapid advancement leaves us with outdated devices. Instead of letting them accumulate in landfills, recycling old mobile phones has emerged as a sustainable solution. Recycling not only helps prevent electronic waste but also allows valuable materials to be repurposed for the production of new versions.

In this article, we will explore the process of recycling old mobile phones and how these materials are utilized to create new devices, fostering a circular economy and reducing environmental impact. If you looking for professional phone recycling companies in UK to recycle your outdated mobile phones then Everything Mobile Limited can be your best reliable partner.

Step-By-Step Mobile Phone Recycling Process to Produce New Versions

Collection and Sorting
The first step in recycling old mobile phones is collecting them from consumers through various channels. These channels may include drop-off points, take-back programs, or electronic waste recycling facilities. Once collected, the phones are sorted based on their condition. Devices in working condition may be refurbished for resale, while non-functional or obsolete phones proceed to the recycling process.

Disassembly and Component Separation
Recycling facilities disassemble the collected phones to separate their components. Skilled technicians use specialized tools to carefully remove screws, casings, batteries, and internal components. The separation process involves categorizing components such as screens, circuit boards, plastics, metals, and other materials.

Material Recovery
After disassembly and component separation, the focus turns to material recovery. Various techniques are employed to extract valuable materials from the components. Some common materials recovered during the recycling process include:

  • Precious Metals: Circuit boards and connectors contain precious metals like gold, silver, and palladium. These metals are extracted and refined to be used in the production of new devices.
  • Plastics: Plastics from mobile phone casings and other components are shredded, cleaned, and processed into plastic pellets. These pellets can be reused to manufacture new plastic parts for mobile phones or other products.
  • Batteries: Mobile phone batteries, particularly lithium-ion batteries, are carefully extracted and recycled separately. The process involves neutralizing and separating hazardous materials, followed by recycling valuable metals like lithium, cobalt, and nickel.
  • Glass: The glass screens of mobile phones can be recycled and transformed into new glass products or used as a raw material in asphalt or concrete production.

Refurbishment and Reuse
Devices in working condition but deemed obsolete can be refurbished and resold. Skilled technicians inspect and repair these phones, replacing faulty components and updating software. Refurbished phones undergo rigorous testing to ensure their functionality and quality. These devices are then reintroduced into the market, providing affordable alternatives to consumers while extending the lifespan of mobile phones.

Manufacturing New Devices
The recovered materials from old mobile phones, such as precious metals, plastics, and glass, are sent to manufacturers for repurposing. These materials are incorporated into the production of new mobile phones, reducing the need for extracting raw materials and reducing the environmental impact associated with mining and manufacturing processes. By integrating recycled materials, manufacturers contribute to a more sustainable supply chain and support the concept of a circular economy.


Responsibly recycling old mobile phones using collection programs, proper dismantling, and separation techniques allows manufacturers to regain precious components and materials to produce new phones in an eco-friendly manner. With the massive global uptake of mobile phones, recycling provides a viable solution to reduce electronic waste and the environmental impact of producing brand new models. It is a crucial step we must take on the path to sustainable production. You can also check here the different ways to dispose of used old mobile phones in an eco friendly way.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Why is it important to recycle old phones?

A: Recycling old phones helps keep toxic materials like lead and mercury out of landfills. It also allows materials like plastic, glass and precious metals to be recovered and reused, reducing the need for new raw material extraction. This makes production of new phones more sustainable.

Q: How can I recycle my old phone?

A: Many retailers like Apple and Samsung offer trade-in programs to take back old phones. You can also donate to charity organizations that refurbish phones for resale or recycle them responsibly. Some municipalities have e-waste recycling programs that collect old electronics.

Q: What happens to phones received for recycling?

A: Phones are catalogued by make and model. Broken phones are refurbished if possible or disassembled to recover working parts. Phones are then shredded to separate materials like plastics, glass and metals which are turned into raw materials.

Q: Is the data on my old phone secure when I turn it in for recycling?

A: Reputable recyclers ensure all personal data is erased from phones before they are processed. Some provide certificate of data destruction. You can also do a factory reset before turning over your phone.

Q: Do phone companies use recycled materials to make new phones?

A: Many phone manufacturers like Apple and Samsung now incorporate recycled metals, plastics and glass into new phone models. Using recycled materials reduces their environmental impact.



Everything Mobile Limited

Get professional advice on common iPhone and Android issues. Additionally, we also explore the emerging eco-friendly phone recycling & disposal methods.