What Are the Steps to Follow When Repairing Water-Damaged Mobile Phones?

Everything Mobile Limited
6 min readOct 22, 2023


water damaged phone repair

Accidents happen, and one common mishap is dropping our precious mobile phones into water. Whether it’s a sink, toilet, or pool, water damage can wreak havoc on our devices. However, all hope is not lost! With prompt action and the right steps, it’s possible to repair water-damaged mobile phones and potentially salvage them. If you are looking for reliable mobile phone repair services in UK to fix your water damaged mobile phones then you can count on the professional experts at Everything Mobile Limited. In this comprehensive guide, we will outline the essential steps to follow when repairing water-damaged mobile phones. Let’s dive in!

Key Steps to Follow to Fix Your Water-Damaged Mobile Phones

Step 1: Act Quickly and Power Off the Device
Time is of the essence when it comes to water-damaged phones. The first step is to remove the phone from the water source and power it off immediately. This helps prevent short circuits that can cause further damage. Do not attempt to turn it on or test if it still works, as this can lead to irreversible damage.

Step 2: Remove External Accessories and SIM Card
Remove any external accessories, such as cases, covers, and screen protectors, from the phone. Next, carefully remove the SIM card and the SD card (if applicable). These can be dried separately and will not be affected by the cleaning process.

Step 3: Dry the Phone
Gently pat the phone dry using a soft cloth or paper towels. Avoid rubbing or applying excessive pressure, as this may push water further into the device. Pay extra attention to the charging port, headphone jack, and any other openings where water may have seeped in.

Step 4: Absorb Moisture with Rice or Silica Gel
Place the water-damaged phone in a container filled with uncooked rice or silica gel packets. Both rice and silica gel help absorb moisture from the device. Ensure the phone is fully submerged in the rice or surrounded by silica gel packets, and seal the container. Leave it for at least 24 to 48 hours to allow the drying process to take place. Remember to keep the container in a dry and warm environment.

Step 5: Use Desiccant or Silica Gel Packs
If you have access to desiccant packs or additional silica gel, you can place them directly on and around the phone instead of using rice. These packs are designed to absorb moisture effectively and may expedite the drying process.

Step 6: Avoid Heat Sources
While it may be tempting to use a hairdryer or place the phone near a heat source to speed up the drying process, this is not recommended. Heat can damage the internal components of the phone. Stick to the rice or desiccant method for safe and controlled drying.

Step 7: Test the Phone
Once you have allowed sufficient drying time, carefully remove the phone from the rice or silica gel and reinsert the SIM and SD cards. Power on the device and check if it functions properly. Test the touchscreen, buttons, speakers, microphone, and other essential features. If the phone does not turn on or exhibits unusual behavior, it may require professional repair.

Step 8: Seek Professional Assistance
If the water damage persists, or if you are unsure about the extent of the damage, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance. There are specialized technicians and repair shops that specialize in water-damage repairs. They have the expertise and tools to diagnose and repair complex issues caused by water damage. Be sure to choose a reputable and reliable repair service.

Step 9: Take Preventive Measures
To prevent future water damage, consider taking preventive measures. Invest in a waterproof phone case or a protective cover that provides water resistance. Avoid using your phone near water sources and be cautious when handling it in humid or wet environments. Additionally, consider getting insurance or a warranty that covers accidental water damage.


Water damage can be a nightmare for mobile phone owners, but with the right steps, there’s a chance to salvage and repair the device. Acting quickly, powering off the phone, removing external accessories and cards, drying the device with rice or desiccant, and testing its functionality are crucial steps in the repair process.

If problems persist, hiring professional mobile repair service is recommended. By following these steps and taking preventive measures, you can increase the likelihood of saving your water-damaged mobile phone and avoid future mishaps. Remember, time is of the essence, so be proactive when faced with a water-damaged device.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can I still save my water-damaged phone if I didn’t turn it off immediately?
While it’s ideal to power off the phone immediately after water damage, there is still a chance to save it. Follow the remaining steps outlined in the guide and proceed with drying the device using rice or silica gel. However, keep in mind that the longer the phone stays powered on after water exposure, the higher the risk of damage.

Q: Is using rice or silica gel the best way to dry a water-damaged phone?
Rice and silica gel are commonly used methods to absorb moisture from water-damaged phones. While they can be effective, they are not foolproof solutions. It’s essential to allow sufficient drying time and consider seeking professional help if the phone doesn’t function properly after the drying process.

Q: Can I use a hairdryer or heat source to dry my water-damaged phone?
It is not recommended to use a hairdryer or any external heat source to dry a water-damaged phone. Excessive heat can cause further damage to the internal components of the device. Stick to the rice or desiccant method for safe and controlled drying.

Q: How long should I leave my phone in rice or silica gel for drying?
It is recommended to leave your water-damaged phone in rice or silica gel for at least 24 to 48 hours. This duration allows for thorough drying. However, keep in mind that more severe water damage may require a longer drying period or professional assistance.

Q: What should I do if my phone doesn’t turn on or function properly after drying?
If your phone doesn’t turn on or exhibits unusual behavior after the drying process, it may require professional repair. Contact a reputable repair service or visit a specialized technician who can assess the extent of the damage and provide appropriate solutions.

Q: Can I prevent water damage in the future?
While accidents can happen, there are preventive measures you can take to minimize the risk of water damage. Invest in a waterproof phone case or a protective cover that provides water resistance. Be cautious when using your phone near water sources and avoid exposing it to humid or wet environments. Additionally, consider getting insurance or a warranty that covers accidental water damage for added protection.

Q: Are there any warranties that cover water damage repairs?
Some warranties or insurance plans may cover water damage repairs, but it depends on the specific terms and conditions of the warranty or insurance policy. It’s advisable to review the details of your warranty or consult with the manufacturer or service provider to determine if water damage repairs are covered.

Q: Can I repair water damage myself without professional help?
Depending on the extent of the water damage, it may be possible to repair the phone yourself following the steps mentioned in the guide. However, if the damage is severe or if you are unsure about the repair process, it’s best to seek professional assistance. They have the expertise and tools to handle complex water damage repairs effectively.



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